Minnesota River Basin Data Center MRBDC |
MNSU, Water Resources Center |
2002 |
MNSU, Water Resources Center |
mnpals |
Survey of 23 Farms in West Central Minnesota |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
2002 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Farms, West Central MN, County Educators |
MN Dept of Ag |
New Growth for the Big Woods |
Crosby, Jackie |
2002 |
Minneapolis Star Tribune |
mrbtr |
Collins, A.L. |
2002 |
Journal of Hydrology |
Streambank slumping and its contribution to the phosphorus and suspended sediment loads of the Blue Earth River, Minnesota |
Sekely, A.C. |
2002 |
J Soil Water Conserv |
A Plague of Frogs: Unraveling an Environmental Mystery |
Souder , William |
2002 |
Univeristy of Minnesota Press |
mrbtr |
Factsheet: Minnesota River Basin Plan |
2002 |
Minnesota River Basin Plan, Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrients |
Nonpoint Source Management Program Plan 2001-2005 |
Montgomery, Bruce |
2002 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
mrbtr |
Walling , DE |
2002 |
Catena |
Survey of Farmers withing the Perham Wellhead Protection Area |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
2002 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Perham Wellhead Protection Area, Farms, Water Quality |
MN Dept of Ag |
Minnesota River Study Shows Reductions in Key Pollutants |
Christopherson, Dave |
2002 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
Water Quality, Basins |
mrbtr |
Southwest Minnesota Survey of Farmers Located in Wellhead Study Areas 1998 |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
2002 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Farms, Wellhead Protection Area, Southwest MN |
MN Dept of Ag |
Pork Producers Survey, 1994 |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
2002 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Pork Producers, Nutrients, Crop |
MN Dept of Ag |
Shallow Lakes of Southern Minnesota: Status and trend summary for selected lakes |
2003 |
mrbtr |
Minnesota River Timeline |
Water Resources Center, Minnesota State University Mankato |
2003 |
mrbtr |
Evaluation of walleye spawning habitat improvement projects in streams |
Dustin, Donna L |
2003 |
Walleye, Spawning, Habitat Improvement |
State of Lakes: Minnesota is known as the State of 10,000 Lakes and the Land of Sky-Blue Waters. But who's looking after our trademark waters? |
2003 |
mrbtr |
The urban environmnet: Minneapolis-St. Paul indicators |
Environmental Protection Agency |
2003 |
mrbtr |
Increased baseflow in Iowa over the second half of the 20th Century |
Schilling, K.E. |
2003 |
J. Am. Water Resources Association |
Minnesota River Timeline |
Water Resources Center, Minnesota State University Mankato |
2003 |
mrbtr |