
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Contributions to Quaternary studies in Minnesota Patterson, Carrie J 1998 University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Angler Exploitation of Bluegill and Black Crappie in 4 West-central Minnesota Lakes Parsons, Bradford G 1998 MDNR
Bluegill, Black Crappie, Angler Exploitation
Prarie Island Mitigation of Envrionmental Impacts- Phase III 1998 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Bacteria in the Minnesota River MPCA 1998 MPCA
Historical Sediment Flux from Three Watersheds into Lake Pepin, Minnesota USA Kelly, D.W 1998 Journal of Environmental Quality
Potato Survey: Central Sands 1995 MN Department of Agriuculture 1998 MN Dept of Agriculture
Potato, Irrigated Outwash Sands, Minnesota Area II Potato Growers Research and Promotion Council
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River MPCA 1998 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Phosphorus in Surface Waters: The Minnesota River Case Study Mulls, David J 1998 Better Crops
Phosphorus, Surface Water, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Use of composite fingerprints to determine the provenance of the contemporary suspended sediment load transported by rivers Collins, A.L. 1998 Earth Surface Porcesses and Landforms
Genral Information: Farms on Non-Irrigated Outwash Soils MN Department of Agriuculture 1998 MN Dept of Agriculture
Farms, Non-Irrigated Outwash Soils, County Educators
Simulating Climate Change Effects in a Minnesota Agricultural Watershed Hanratty, Micahel P 1998 Journal of Environmental Quality
Madison , WI ,
Dairy Farmers Located on the Karst Region of Southeast MN MN Department of Agriuculture 1998 MN Dept of Agriculture
Dairy Farms, Karst Region, Southeast MN
Voyage Down the Minnesota Krohn, Tim 1998 The Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Canoe, Big Stone Lake, Mississippi River
Bacteria in the Minnesota River MPCA 1998 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Bacteira, Minnesota River Basin Plan, Agricultural Runoff
Contributions to Quaternary studies in Minnesota Patterson, Carrie J 1998 University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Use of Limnetic Zooplankton Sampling in Assessments of Fish Community Structure in Minnesota Bass-panfish Lakes Westerlund, Julie E 1998 MDNR
Zooplankton, Fish Community, Bass-Panfish Lakes
Minnesota River Watershed comprehensive recreation guidance document and trail corridor concept plan MNDNR 1998 MNDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Watershed, Recreation, Guide
An Indexed Bibliography of Creel Surveys, Fishing License Sales, and Recreational Surface Use of Lakes and Rivers of Minnesota Cook, Mark F 1997 MDNR
Creel Survey, Fishing License, Recreational Surface Use
Minnesota River Basin Water Quality Overview Mulla, D.J. 1997 MN Extension Service, University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Legislative flood relief efforts, 1997 regular session a summary LeFevre, Jeanne 1997 MN House of Representatives, Research Dept
St. Paul , MN ,
