Bacteria in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
Bacteira, Minnesota River Basin Plan, Agricultural Runoff |
Genral Information: Farms on Non-Irrigated Outwash Soils |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
1998 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Farms, Non-Irrigated Outwash Soils, County Educators |
MN Dept of Ag |
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
mnpals |
Dairy Farmers Located on the Karst Region of Southeast MN |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
1998 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Dairy Farms, Karst Region, Southeast MN |
MN Dept of Ag |
Phosphorus in the Minnesota River |
1998 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency/Minnesota River Joint Powers Board |
Phosphorus, Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Nonpoint Pollution Sources |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Contributions to Quaternary studies in Minnesota |
Patterson, Carrie J |
1998 |
University of Minnesota |
mnpals |
Use of Limnetic Zooplankton Sampling in Assessments of Fish Community Structure in Minnesota Bass-panfish Lakes |
Westerlund, Julie E |
1998 |
Zooplankton, Fish Community, Bass-Panfish Lakes |
Minnesota River Watershed comprehensive recreation guidance document and trail corridor concept plan |
1998 |
Minnesota River Watershed, Recreation, Guide |
mnpals |
Nutrient sources within the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1991-93 |
Kroening, Sharon E |
1998 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Fluvial forms and processes |
Knighton, D |
1998 |
Oxford University Press |
Effects of historical land-cover changes on flooding and sedimentation, North Fish Creek, Wisconsin |
Fitzpatrick, F.A. |
1999 |
USGS Water |
Status of Amphibians in Minnesota: Center for Global Envrionmental Educaiton |
A Thousand Friends of Frogs |
1999 |
Hamline University |
mrbtr |
Management of diffuse pollution in agricultural watersheds: Lessons from the Minnesota River Basin |
Brezonik, P.L |
1999 |
Wat. Sci. Tech |
Walling , DE |
1999 |
Hydrological Processes |
Influence of Walleye Fingerling Production on Wetland Communitites |
Reed , Jeffrey R |
1999 |
Walleye, Wetland, Macroinvertebrates |
The Mississippi, river of song the grassroots of American music |
DiFranco, Ani |
1999 |
AcronMedia |
Mississippi River, Music, Songs |
mnpals |
Literature Summary for the Generic Environmental Impact of Statement (GEIS) on Animal Agriculture: A Summary of the Literature Related to the Effects of Animal Agriculture on Water Resources |
University of Minnesota and Environmental Quality Board |
1999 |
mrbtr |
Agricultural-nitrogen contribution to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico |
Burkart, M.R. |
1999 |
J. Envrionmetnal Quality |
Greenbook 1999: Reducing Chemical Usage By Using Soy Oil On Corn and Soybean |
MN Department of Agriuculture |
1999 |
MN Dept of Agriculture |
Chemical Usage, Soy Oil, Corn and Soybean |
MN Dept of Ag |
Mercury, methylmercury, and other water-quality data from flood-control impoundments and natural waters of the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota 1997-99 |
Brigham, Mark E. |
1999 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |