
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Fish Community Analysis in the Minnesota River Basin Bailey, P.A. 1993
Ambient Toxicity Assessments in the Minnesota River Basin C. Arthur, J.W. 1993
Mankato and Line Township Ravine System Envrionmental Quality Study Blue Earth County 1993 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Improved density gradient separation techniques using sodium polytungstate and a comparison to the use of other heavy liquids Skipp, GL 1993 U.S. Geological Survey
Denver , CO ,
The measurement of river bank erosion and lateral channel change: A review Lawler, D.M 1993 Earth Surface Porcesses and Landforms
Groundwater Contamination Susceptibility Project LCMR 1993 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Land Use and Resource Management
MRAP Land Use Executive summary Quade, Henry W 1993 MNSU, Water Resources Center
Mankato , MN ,
A Comparison of NPSPP based on ecoregions versus based on waterhsed for the Minnesota River Basin Quade, Henry W 1993 MNSU, Water Resources Center
Mankato , MN ,
A Comparison of Summer Gill Netting and Trap Netting to Fall Trap Netting for Sampling Crappie Populations in Minnesota Lakes McInerny, Michael 1993 MDNR
Gill Nets, Trap Net, Crappie
Selected Basin Characteristics and water-quality data for the Minnesota River Basin Winterstein, Thomas 1993 US Dept of Interior, US Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
Analysis of Factors Affecting Growth of Northern Pike in Minnesota Jacobson, Peter 1993 MDNR
Northern Pike, Lake Surveys, Park Rapids
Lake Shetek CWP Project MPCA 1993 MNSU
Mankato , MN ,
Selected Basin Characteristics and water-quality data for the Minnesota River Basin Winterstein, Thomas A 1993 U.S. Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
Nonpoint Source Pollution Potential Model of the Minnesota River Basin Watershed MRAP Level I-Land Use Peterson, Charles V 1993
A Lower Minnesota River Valley Cultural Resource Study and Interpretive Plan for the Minnesota Valley State Park and Trail Roberts, Dr. Norene 1993 MDNR-Parks and Recreation Divistion
St. Paul , MN ,
Historic Sites, Archaeological Sites, Minnesota Valley Trail
Analysis of Benthis Macroinvertebrate Communitites in the Minnesota River Watershed Zischke, J.A. 1993
Fisheries management planning guide for streams and rivers MDNR, Section of Fisheries 1993 MDNR
MN ,
Characteristics of Sediments, Settleable Solids and Water Quality of Stormwater Runoff in the Minnesota River Watershed Proctor, B 1993
South Central Minnesota Storm water drainage contaminants: drainage/injection vs. storm sewer system Proctor, Beth 1993 MNSU, Water Resources Center
Mankato , MN ,
Minneapolis past Henehan, Brendan 1993 Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul , MN ,
