
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Identifying sediment sources in the Minnesota River Basin Wilcock, Peter 2009 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Burial mounds of the Red River headwaters Wilford, Lloyd Alden 1970 MN Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
The Warren: A Truly Forgotten River Wilkinson , Drew 1993 River Warren Research Committee
Rockford , MN ,
River Warren Resarch Committee, Minnesota River Assessment Project, Glacial River Warren
Lac Qui Parle and the Dakota Mission Willand , John 1964 Lac Qui Parle County Historical Society
Madison , WI ,
Dakota, Minnesota Historical Society, Lac qui Parle
Bioreactor field day proves to be a learning day Willette, Janet Kubat 2010 AgriNews
Bioreactor, Clean Water Act Grants, Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition
Gupta tries to clean up river sediment issue Willette, Janet Kubat 2010 AgrinNews
River Sediment, River Modifications, Lake Pepin
SEDIMOT II: A design hydrology and sedimentology model for surface mined lands. Wilson, B.N 1981 University of Kentucky
Lexington , KY ,
Interim report on Minnesota River surface tile inlet research: final report for 1993-1995 LCMR project Wilson, B.N. 1995 University of Minnesota
Minneapolis , MN ,
The Aborigines of Minnesota: A Report Based on the Collections of Jacob V. Brower, and on the Field Surveys and Notes of Alfred J. Hill and Theodore H. Lewis. Winchell , N.H. 1911 Minnesota Historical Soceity
St. Paul , MN ,
Aboriginal Inhabitants, Dakota, Ojibwa
Where the Untamed Hand of Nature Fits a Civilized Glove Winckler, Suzanne 1988 Audubon
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Management Challenges, Lower Minnesota River
Hydrological and biogeochemical research in the Shingobee River Headwaters Area, North-central Minnesota Winter , Thomas C 1997 Dept of the Interior, USGS
Denver , CO ,
The Natural Quality of Ground Water in Minnesota Winter , Thomas C 1974 US Geological Survey
St. Paul , MN ,
Selected Basin Characteristics and Water Quality Data for the Minnesota River Basin Winterstein , T.A 1993 USGS
Selected Basin Characteristics and water-quality data for the Minnesota River Basin Winterstein, Thomas 1993 US Dept of Interior, US Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
Selected Basin Characteristics and water-quality data for the Minnesota River Basin Winterstein, Thomas A 1993 U.S. Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
Male Frogs Losing Their Macho Wong, Kathleen 2009 Science Matters
Berkeley ,
The Big Woods Wovcha , Daniel 1998 Department of Natural Resources
Glacial River Warren, Lake Pepin, and the environmental history of southeastern Minnesota Wright, HE Jr 1998 Minnesota Geological Survey Report on Investigations
Minneapolis , MN ,
Geologic History of Minnesota Rivers Wright, Herbert E. 1990 University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Seasonal habitat use and movements of muskellunge in the Mississippi River Younk, Jerry A 1996 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
