
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort ascending Location Keywords Source
An Indexed Bibliography of Creel Surveys, Fishing License Sales, and Recreational Surface Use of Lakes and Rivers of Minnesota Cook, Mark F 1997 MDNR
Creel Survey, Fishing License, Recreational Surface Use
Could BT-Engineered Pest Resistant Trees be Hazardous to Aquatic Invertebrates Close, Tracy L 2005 MDNR
Invertebrates, Pesticide, Toxicity
Minnesota Live Bait Industry Assessment Report Peterson, Dirk L 1980 MDNR
Live Bait, Bait-Fish, Minnow
Evaluation of Winter Lake Aeration techniques in Minnesota Davis, Robert 1986 MDNR
Lake Aeration, Surface Bubbler, Oxygen Concentration
An Ecological Classification of Minnesota Lakes with Associated Fish Communiteis Schupp, Dennis H 1992 MDNR
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPUE
Thermal Marking of Lake Trout Otoliths, and Evaluation of Mehtods for Stocking Fry Negus , Mary T 1997 MDNR
Thermal Marking, Lake Trout Otoliths, Lake Trout
State Water Access sites MDNR 1979 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat Pierce, Rodney B 2005 MDNR
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat
Shoreline Seining for Young-of-the-Year Largemouth Bass as a Method of Predicting Recruitment to the Anglers Catch Newburg, Huon 1986 MDNR
Seining, Largemouth Bass, Anglers
Performance Evaluation of Four Muskellunge Escox Masquinony Strains in Two Minnesota Lakes Younk, Jerry A 1992 MDNR
Muskellunge, Shoepack Strain, Mortality Rate
2005 Pesticide Usage on Four major Crops in Minnesota Minnesota Department of Agriculture 2007 MDA and USDA, NASS Minnesota Field Office
Evaluation of an ELISA Method for Acetochlor Analysis in the Le Sueur River Watershed VanRyswyk, Bill 2009 MDA
St. Paul , MN ,
ELISA Method, Le Sueur River Watershed, Acetochlor Analysis
Minnesota River Assessment Project report MPCA 1994 MCPA
MN ,
Bonferroni Correction Weisstein, E.W 2005 MathWorld
An assessment of the zooplankton annual succession in a hypereutrophic southern Minnesota lake utilizing two sampling methods Sathrum, Carl B 1994 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Relationships of lake morphometry and sediment nutrient chemistry by short cores in south central Minnesota Ayers, Michael B 1979 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
A Quantitative geomorphological study of public drainage ditches in south central Minnesota Silis, Ainars 1979 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
A comparison of heavy metal concentrations in storm water residual sediments withing urban storm water drainage systems located in south central Minnesota Menden, Steven T. 1995 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Selected Physical and chemical factors in a limestone strip-mine pond McMichael, Dale E. 1975 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
Estimation of nutrient loading by groundwater into a lake using stable isotopes Olson, Charles J 1993 Mankato State University
Mankato , MN ,
