Final Supplement II-A to the Final envrionmental impact statement (as amended 18 January 1972), Minnesota River, MN, Mankato-North Mankato-Le Hillier flood control- phase I: Proposed plan for the alteration or relocation of state highway 169/60 bridges ov |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
1982 |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
mnpals |
A teacher's guide for geologic field investigations in Minnesota |
Phinney, William C |
1967 |
Dept of Education |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: trace elements in streambed sediment and fish livers, 1995-96 |
Kroening, Sharon E |
2000 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Nutrient sources within the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1991-93 |
Kroening, Sharon E |
1998 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Causes of variations in water quality and aquatic ecology in rivers of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin |
Stark , James R. |
1997 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: review of selected literature |
Andrews, William J |
1996 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Pesticides in streams in part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1974-94 |
Fallon, James D. |
2000 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Selected water-quality characteristics in the upper Mississippi River basin, Royalton to Hastings, Minnesota |
Have, Mark R |
1991 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Changes in flood response of the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota-Minnesota |
Miller, Jeffrey E |
1984 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: ground-water quality in three different land-use arears 1996-98 |
Fong, Alison L |
2000 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River basin study unit, Minnesota and Wisconsin : nutrients, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, and suspended sediment in streams, 1996-98 |
Kroening, Sharon E |
2003 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Effects of impoundments on water quality of streams in the Coteau des Prairies- upper Minnesota River Basin |
Smith , C.J. |
1991 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: ground-water quality in Paririe du Chien-Jordon quifer 1996 |
Fong, Alison L |
1998 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Mercury, methylmercury, and other water-quality data from flood-control impoundments and natural waters of the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota 1997-99 |
Brigham, Mark E. |
1999 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Relation of periphyton and benthic invertebrate communities to environmental factors and land use at selected sites in part of the upper Mississippi River basin, 1996-98 |
ZumBerge, Jeremy R. |
2003 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: volatile organic compounds in surface and ground water, 1978-94 |
Andrews, Willam J |
1995 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: nitrogen and phosphorus in streamsn, streambed sediment, and ground water, 1971-94 |
Kroening, Sharon E |
1997 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: environmental setting and study design |
Stark , J.R. |
1996 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin: organchlorine compounds in streambed sediments and fish tissues, 1995-97 |
McNellis, Ryan P |
2001 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Watershed-scale research from many perspectives: the Interdisciplinary Research Initiative at the Shingobee River headwaters area, Minnesota |
Dosenberry, D.O |
1998 |
Dept of the Interior, USGS |
mnpals |