Minor watershed number(s): 28080, 28081, 28090, 28097, 29015, 29016, 29017, 29018, 29019, 29020, 29063, 29067, 29078, 29079, 31035, 31054, 31055, 31056, 31057, 28056, 28065, 28066, 28067, 28068, 28069, 33086, 28038, 28060, 28061, 28062
This project included Brown, Nicollet and Cottonwood Counties. Special assessments were performed in three individual study areas within the counties. The West Study Area was located within Brown and Cottonwood Counties and included the following minor watersheds: 28080, 28081, 28090, 28097, 29015, 29016, 29017, 29018, 29019, 29020, 29063, 29067, 29078, 29079, 31035, 31054, 31055, 31056, 31057. The Central Study Area was located within Nicollet County and included the following minor watersheds: 28056, 28061, 28065, 28066, 28067, 28068, 28069, 33086. The East Study Area was located within Nicollet County and included the following minor watersheds: 28038, 28060, 28061, 28062.
The Brown-Nicollet-Cottonwood Ground Water Project was a Phase I Diagnostic, MPCA Clean Water Partnership Project. The project was funded in 1990 through a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Clean Water Partnership grant and in-kind contributions from local units and other state agencies involved in the project. The project recieved assistance from the Minnesota Department of Health, Board of Water and Soil Resources, Minnesota State University at Mankato, University of Minnesota, the city of St. Peter, several townships and all relevant county departments, and individual well owners. In 1988, a rural well testing program in Brown and Nicollet Counties identified areas where drinking water was contaminated. As a result, Cottonwood, Brown and Nicollet Counties began a diagnostic study of contaminated aquifers from 1990 to 1991. The Phase I Diagnostic Groundwater Project performed assessments of the groundwater in three individual study areas. Each study area assessment included the sampling and analysis of individual wells to determine groundwater quality and aquifer identification, land use and individual land management assessments, soil and topographic characteristic investigations, and an evaluation of surface water interactions with groundwater. The two main goals of this project were to determine the extent of groundwater contamination and whether or not remediation was possible.