
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
America's Most Endangered Rivers- 2008 Edition American Rivers 2008
2008 Final TMDL List Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2008
Sediment Dynamics in the Agricultural Le Sueur River Watershed, Southern Minnesota: Tile Drain Influence on Sediment Transport Thomas, A.R. 2008 American Geophysical Union
Secchi Transparency Trends website MPCA 2008
Is ethanol tapping too much water? Meersman, Tom 2008 Minneapolis Star Tribune
Length at age estimates of black crappie and white crappie among lake classes, reservoirs, impoundments, and rivers in Minnesota McInerny, Micahel C 2008 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
Impaired Waters in the Minnesota River Basin Minnesota State University, Mankato Water Resouces Center 2008
Bacteria: Sources, Types, Impact on Water Quality- A General Overview Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2008
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota's Impaired Waters and TMDLs Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2008
Survey Cruise Records Second-Largest "Dead Zone" in Gulf of Mexico Since Measurements Began in 1985 NOAA 2008
Global Climate Change and its Impact on Minnesota Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2007
Native Plant Communities and Rare Species of the Minnesota River Valley Counties Minnesota County Biological Survey 2007 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Basin: General Phosphorus Permit-Phase 1 MPCA Website 2007
Induced Winterkill as a Management Tool for Reclaiming Minnesota Walleye Rearing Ponds Shroyer, Steven M 2007 MDNR
Walleye, Rearing Ponds, Induced Winterkill
Progress on a Long Voyage: Decades of Improvement in Minnesota River Water Quality Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2007
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Housing Prices, 2007-2008 Minnesota State Demographic Center 2007
Population, Housing, Housing Prices
Minnesota River Basin: Impaired Waters, TMDLs and Water Quality MPCA 2007
Safe Drinking Water in Minnesota: A summary of Drinking Water Protection Activities for 2007 Minnesota Department of Health 2007
Stream flow in Minnesota: Indicator of climate change Novotny, E.V. 2007 J. Hydrol
Water quality monitoring program MN Department of Agriuculture 2007 MN Dept of Agriculture
Water Quality, Monitoring Program, Groundwater
