
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Assessing River Water Quality Trends in the Minnesota River Basin Offerman, Heather O 2006 Univeristy of Minnesota Masters Thesis
Relationship Between Aquatic Plant Cover and Fish Populations Based on Minnesota Lake Survey Data Cross, Timothy 2006 MDNR
Plant Cover, Fish Populations, Minnesota Lake Survey
Effects of Landscape-Scale Factors on Wetland Biomanipulations Reed , Jeffrey R 2006 MDNR
Wetland, Wetland Biomanipulation, Lanscape-Scale Factors
Assessing river water quality trends in the Minnesota River Basin Johnson, H.J.O 2006 University of Minnesota
St. Paul , MN ,
Impacts of land-use changes on the hydrologic regime in the Minnesota River Basin Ennaanay, D 2006 Univerysity of Minnesota-Twin Cities
St. Paul , MN ,
The Omnivore's Dilemna: A Natural History of Four Meals Pollan , Michael 2006 Penguin Press
New York , NY ,
Contribution of Fry Stocking to the Recovery of the Walleye Population in the Red Lakes Logsdon, Dale E. 2006 MDNR
Fry Stocking, Walleye, Red Lakes
Could BT-Engineered Pest Resistant Trees be Hazardous to Aquatic Invertebrates Close, Tracy L 2005 MDNR
Invertebrates, Pesticide, Toxicity
Blue Earth River heavily polluted Steil, Mark 2005 MPR
Blue Earth River, Pollutant, Sediment
Tillage and nutrient source impacts on water quality and corn grain yield from a flat landscape Thoma , D.P. 2005 J. Envrionmetnal Quality
Land Use and Resource Management
Guidance manual for assessing the quality of Minnesota surface waters for the determination of impairment 305(b) report and 303(d) list MPCA 2005 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Land cover classification and change analysis of the Twin Cities (Minnesota) Metropolitan Area by multitemporal Landsat remote sensing Yuan, Fei 2005 Remote Sensing of the Environment
Bonferroni Correction Weisstein, E.W 2005 MathWorld
Temporal analysis of the frequency and duration of low and high stream flow: Years of record needed to characterize stream flow variability Huh, S 2005 J. Hydrol
Minnesota Canoe and Kayak Study Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2005 Office of Management and Budget Services and
Draining Swan Lake for the ducks Stachura, Sea 2005 Minnesota Public Radio
Reinvest in Minnesota Fact Sheet Board of Water and Soil Resources 2005 Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
2004 Outdoor Recreation Facility Survey of Minnesota Cities, Counties and School Districts Sushak, Ron 2005 Office of Management and Budget Services
Through these eyes: The First 70 Years of Soil and Water Conservation in Minnesota Ruhland, Vic 2005 Minnesota Office, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Nutrient Management Assessment of Producers South Branch of the Root River, 2003 MN Department of Agriuculture 2005 MN Dept of Agriculture
Nutrients, Produces, Management Assessment
