
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Progress on a Long Voyage: Decades of Improvement in Minnesota River Water Quality MPCA 2007 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota River Clean Up, Arnie Carlson, Minnesota River Citizens' Advisory Committee
2007 Minnesota Augus Roadside Survey Haroldson, Kurt J 2007 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Water Quality Issues- Browns Valley Flooding Craigmile, David 2007 Minnesota River Watershed Alliance River Talk Newsletter
Light Trap Sampling of Juvenile Northern Pike in Wetlands Affected by Water Level Regulation Pierce, Rodney B 2007 MDNR
Northern Pike, Wetlands, Light Trap Sampling
Cottonwood County Local Water Management Plan 2007-2017 Cottonwood County Environmental Office 2007 Cottonwood County Environmental Office
Windom , MN ,
2005 Pesticide Usage on Four major Crops in Minnesota Minnesota Department of Agriculture 2007 MDA and USDA, NASS Minnesota Field Office
Little Minnesota River Watershed/Big Stone Lake Restoration/Continuation Project Jensen, Mike 2007 Roberts Conservation District
SD ,
More than just mussels- Watershed Alliance shares a hike filled with interesting clam facts Fischenich, Mark 2007 Mankato Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Rivers of Doubt- Minute quantities of everyday contaminants in our drinking supply could add up to big trouble Underwood , Anne 2007 Newsweek
Census of Agriculture: Minnesota state and county data National Agricultural Statistics Service 2007
Minnesota's Ground Water Condition: A Statewide View MPCA 2007
Native Plant Communities and Rare Species of the Minnesota River Valley Counties Minnesota County Biological Survey 2007 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
St. Paul , MN ,
Global Climate Change and its Impact on Minnesota Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2007
Minnesota River Basin: General Phosphorus Permit-Phase 1 MPCA Website 2007
Induced Winterkill as a Management Tool for Reclaiming Minnesota Walleye Rearing Ponds Shroyer, Steven M 2007 MDNR
Walleye, Rearing Ponds, Induced Winterkill
Progress on a Long Voyage: Decades of Improvement in Minnesota River Water Quality Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2007
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Housing Prices, 2007-2008 Minnesota State Demographic Center 2007
Population, Housing, Housing Prices
Minnesota River Basin: Impaired Waters, TMDLs and Water Quality MPCA 2007
Safe Drinking Water in Minnesota: A summary of Drinking Water Protection Activities for 2007 Minnesota Department of Health 2007
Stream flow in Minnesota: Indicator of climate change Novotny, E.V. 2007 J. Hydrol
