
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Working toether a plan to restore the Minnesota River MPCA 1994 The Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau: Lately Discovered Among His Unpublished Journals and Manuscripts Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin 1905 The Bibliophile Society
Boston , MA ,
Henry David Thoreau, Fort Snelling, Lower Sioux Agency
Project folder for the Lower Red River Watershed Management Board updated for LCMR final report Lower Red River Watershed Management Board 1983 The Board
MN ,
Report of the Legislative Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs MN Legislature, Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs 1959 The Commission
St. Paul , MN ,
Environmental monitoring program for the Allen S. King generating plant at Oak Park Heights, Minnesota Northern States Power Company, Engineering Dept 1966 The Company
Minneapolis , MN ,
Recommendations for critical area designation for the Mississippi River corridor Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area 1975 The Council
St. Paul , MN ,
Southeast Minnesota Tributaries basin report US Soil Conservation Service 1980 The Department
Washington , DC ,
The great flood of 1993 of the Minnesota Experience MN Division of Emergency Management 1994 The Division
MN ,
Dream team' want Le Sueur River to come clean AP 2008 The Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
New approach Planned to halting river erosion Linehan, Dan 2010 The Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Voyage Down the Minnesota Krohn, Tim 1998 The Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Canoe, Big Stone Lake, Mississippi River
Commissioners OK Septic system loans Busch, Fritz 2011 The Journal
Commissioners Consider Septic System Loans Busch, Fritz 2011 The Journal
Assessing depressional wetland quantity and quality using a probabilistic sampling design in the Redwood River watershed, Minnesota, USA Gene, John A 2009 The Society of Wetland Scientists
Wetlands, IBI, Macroinvertebrate
Minnesota's Rocks and Waters: A Geological Story Schwatz, George M 1963 The University of Minnesota Press
Minneapolis , MN ,
Geological Features, Minnesota River Valley Rock Formation, Minnesota's Waters
Federal Pheasants-Impact of Federal Agricultural Programs on Pheasant Habitat, 1934-1985 Berner, Alfred H 1988 The Wildlife Society
Greater Blue Earth River Watershed Initiative Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development 2007 Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development
Mankato , MN ,
Agriculture: Soil Bank: A Winning Bet Time Magazine 1956 Time Magazine
Paddling Southern Minnesota- 85 Great Trips by Canoe and Kayak Diebel, Lynee 2007 Trails Books
Madison , WI ,
Minneapolis past Henehan, Brendan 1993 Twin Cities Public Television
St. Paul , MN ,
