Water Resources of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed |
Anderson, H.W. Jr. |
1994 |
USGS, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas |
Minnesota River Assessment Project Summary |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
1994 |
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report: Volume III, Biological and Toxicologial Assessment |
1994 |
Minnesota River Citizens' Advisory Committee Progress Report |
1994 |
mnpals |
Minnesota River Assessment Project Report |
1994 |
mnpals |
Tower and braid a chronicle of Fort Snelling |
MN Historical Society |
1994 |
MN Historical Society Press |
mnpals |
Wetland Water Quality Functions: Literature Review and considerations for Wetland Restoration/Creation in the Minnesota River Basin |
C. Cain, B.J. |
1994 |
Fisheries management planning guide for streams and rivers |
MDNR, Section of Fisheries |
1993 |
mnpals |
Selected water quality characteristics of minimally impacted streams from Minnesota's seven ecoregions |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
1993 |
The measurement of river bank erosion and lateral channel change: A review |
Lawler, D.M |
1993 |
Earth Surface Porcesses and Landforms |
South Central Minnesota Storm water drainage contaminants: drainage/injection vs. storm sewer system |
Proctor, Beth |
1993 |
MNSU, Water Resources Center |
mnpals |
Protecting America's Wetlands: A Fair, Flexible, and Effective Approach |
White House Office on Envrionmental Policy |
1993 |
The Warren: A Truly Forgotten River |
Wilkinson , Drew |
1993 |
River Warren Research Committee |
River Warren Resarch Committee, Minnesota River Assessment Project, Glacial River Warren |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Nonpoint Source Pollution Potential Model of the Minnesota River Basin Watershed MRAP Level I-Land Use |
Peterson, Charles V |
1993 |
Biological Control of Weeds |
1993 |
Lakes |
Population Dynamics and Harvest of Maintained Walleye Populations in Two Lakes of the Southern Minnesota Agricultural Region |
Bandow, Farrell |
1993 |
Walleye, Population, Minnesota Agricultural Region |
Analysis of Benthis Macroinvertebrate Communitites in the Minnesota River Watershed |
Zischke, J.A. |
1993 |
Wallbrink, PJ |
1993 |
Hydrological Processes |
A Fish Community Analysis off the Minnesota River Basin |
Bailey, Patricia A |
1993 |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
Wastewater Treatment Needs in Unsewwered Areas: A Report to the Legislature |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
1993 |