
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Authorsort descending Publication Date Publisher Location Keywords Source
Seasonal habitat use and movements of muskellunge in the Mississippi River Younk, Jerry A 1996 MDNR
St. Paul , MN ,
Fluorescent Chemical Marking of Walleye Larva with a Selected Literature Review of Similar Investigations Younk, Jerry A 1991 MDNR
Fluorescent Chemical Marking, Walleye, Walleye Larvae
Seasonal habitat use and movements of muskellunge in the Mississippi River Younk, Jerry A 1996 MDNR
Muskellunge, Mississippi River, Radio Telemetry
Performance Evaluation of Four Muskellunge Escox Masquinony Strains in Two Minnesota Lakes Younk, Jerry A 1992 MDNR
Muskellunge, Shoepack Strain, Mortality Rate
Applications of an Angler Diary for Muskellunge Escox Masquinony Younk, Jerry A 1992 MDNR
Angler Diary Program, Muskellunge, Catch Rates
Land cover classification and change analysis of the Twin Cities (Minnesota) Metropolitan Area by multitemporal Landsat remote sensing Yuan, Fei 2005 Remote Sensing of the Environment
Lac qui Parle Project: A Preliminary Report on Environmental Impacts, Agency Policy, Investigations and Management Recommendations Regarding Annual Snag Removal From the Upper Minnesota River Zachmann, W 1983 MNDNR, Divisions of Waters, Wild and Scenic Rivers Program
Climate change and the Minnesota State Climatology Office: Observing the climate Zandlo, J 2008
Tillage and nutrient source effects on surface and subsurface water quality at corn planting Zhao, S.L 2001 J. Envrionmetnal Quality
Fort Snelling: Anchor Post of the Northwest. Ziebarth, Marilyn 1970 Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul , MN ,
Fort Snelling, State Historical Park, Archeological Site
Analysis of Benthis Macroinvertebrate Communitites in the Minnesota River Watershed Zischke, J.A. 1993
Biological Monitoring in the Minnesota River Basin: 1995-96 Zischke, J.A. Oct-1996 Minnesota River Improvement Project
Northfield and Duluth , MN ,
Biological Monitoring, Minnesota River Improvement Project, River Monitoring
Influence of local riparian cover and watershed runoff potential on invertebrate communities in agricultural streams in the Minnesota River Basin ZumBerge, Jeremy R. 2003 US Dept of Interior, US Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
Relation of periphyton and benthic invertebrate communities to environmental factors and land use at selected sites in part of the upper Mississippi River basin, 1996-98 ZumBerge, Jeremy R. 2003 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
