Water quality investigation of the county ditch 59-Cannon River Watershed, Le Sueur County, Minnesota |
Larson, Timothy J |
1982 |
Mankato State University |
Habitat Preservation for Midwest Stream Fishes: Principles and Guidelines |
Karr, J.R. |
1983 |
Minnesota State and federal wild and scenic rivers program "ordinance adoption status report" |
1983 |
mnpals |
Project folder for the Lower Red River Watershed Management Board updated for LCMR final report |
Lower Red River Watershed Management Board |
1983 |
The Board |
mnpals |
Lac qui Parle Project: A Preliminary Report on Environmental Impacts, Agency Policy, Investigations and Management Recommendations Regarding Annual Snag Removal From the Upper Minnesota River |
Zachmann, W |
1983 |
MNDNR, Divisions of Waters, Wild and Scenic Rivers Program |
Final supplement II-C to the final envrionmental impact statement: Mankato-North Mankato-Le Hiller flood control- phase I: proposed plan for the alteration or relocation of Chicago and North Western Transportation Company bridges over the Blue Earth River |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
1983 |
Dept of Army, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers |
mnpals |
River Warren, the southern outlet of Lake Agassiz, in Teller |
Matsch, C.L |
1983 |
Glacial Lake Agassiz: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 26 |
Acid Rain intensive study lakes program: status report for the 1981 study lakes |
Heiskary, Steven A |
1983 |
mnpals |
Habitat Preservation for Midwest Stream Fishes: Principles and Guidelines |
Karr, J.R. |
1983 |
The use of artificial substrates to ascertain the faunal difference between an agricultural drainage ditch and a third order river in south central Minnesota |
Fylpaa, John W |
1983 |
Mankato State University |
Creel Survey of the Blue Earth River, 5 May-21 September, 1984 |
Peterson, D.L. |
1984 |
MNDNR, Division of Fisheries |
The Minnesota Valley in the Ice Age |
Upham, Warren |
1984 |
American Journal of Science |
Geological and Natural History, Geological Origins, Ice Age |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Blue Earth River Initiative Comprehensive |
1984 |
Blue Earth River Joint Powers Board |
Nonparametric tests for tend in water quality |
van Belle, G |
1984 |
Water Resources Research |
Changes in flood response of the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota-Minnesota |
Miller, Jeffrey E |
1984 |
Dept of Interior, USGS |
mnpals |
Water Body Survey and Assessment for use Attainability Investigation of the Le Sueur River Near Waseca, Minnesota |
1984 |
MPCA, Division of Water Quality, Monitoring Analysis Section |
Incised Channels, Morphology, Dynamic, and Control |
Schumm, S.A |
1984 |
Water Resources Publication |
Indexing Minnesota fish lakes relative to potential susceptibility to acidic deposition |
Payer, Ronald D |
1985 |
mnpals |
Biological Survey of the Minnesota River |
Kirsh , N.A. |
1985 |
MNDNR, Division of Game and Fish |
Magnitude and Problems of Nonpoint Pollution from Urban and Urbanizing Areas |
Obertus , Gary L. |
1985 |