
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Date Publishersort descending Location Keywords Source
Minnesota Housing Prices, 2007-2008 Minnesota State Demographic Center 2007
Population, Housing, Housing Prices
The Fur Trade in the Minnesota River Valley Chlebecek, Joseph D 1997
Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR Website US Fish and Wildlife Service 2009
Safe Drinking Water in Minnesota: A summary of Drinking Water Protection Activities for 2007 Minnesota Department of Health 2007
Minnesota River Basin Information Document Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1997
St. Paul , MN ,
Applied Weed Science Research website Univeristy of Minnesota 2009
Assessment of Impact of Organic Pollutants on Fish in the Minnesota River Watershed by Hepatic Aminopyrine N-Demthylase Activity Mercurio, S.D 1994
Collins, A.L. 1997
Catena ,
Henderson on the Minnesota City of Henderson 2009
Henderson , MN ,
America's Most Endangered Rivers- 2008 Edition American Rivers 2008
The Average Farmer National Association for Wheat Growers 2008
Survey Cruise Records Second-Largest "Dead Zone" in Gulf of Mexico Since Measurements Began in 1985 NOAA 2008
Report to the Legislative Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs Minnesota Legislature, Leislative Interim Commission to Study the Upper Mississippi Reservoirs 1959
About Mercury Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
2000-2001 Pesticide Market Estimates USEPA
Analysis of Benthis Macroinvertebrate Communitites in the Minnesota River Watershed Zischke, J.A. 1993
The Minnesota River and Valley King, Ralph W 1975
Mankato , MN ,
Minnesota River Flood Risk management Project US Corps of Engineers 2009
Granite Falls , MN ,
Project River Bend, Six County River Management Plan 1982
Streamkeeper's Field Guide-Watershed Inventory and Stream Monitoring Methods Murdoch, Tome 1991
