
Saturday, May 23, 2015
7 p.m.

This member of the dog family is one of the most adaptable animals in North America.  Coyotes have survived and increased in numbers and territory despite the all-out effort of government agencies to kill the m off.  As one of the more misunderstood candid, the coyote has similar and also unique characteristics compared to the wolf and fox.  We will talk about how the coyote can live pretty much anywhere including our urban areas and their place in the natural ecosystem.  To get a better understanding of it unique characteristics someone will get a chance to dress up like a coyote.  Please meet at Group Campground on the campground side of Minneopa State Park.

Scott Kudelka
Minneopa State Park
54497 Gadwall RD
56001 Mankato , MN ,
Event type: 
Nature Presentation