Who monitors water quality in the Minnesota River Basin? (02:35 minutes)
What monitoring equipment is used in the Minnesota River Basin? (02:08)
Why is water quality monitoring important in the Minnesota River Basin? (01:38)
What are the major water quality problems in the Minnesota River Basin? (01:53)
How does water quality in the Minnesota River Basin compare with other basins in the state? (01:35)
What is the current condition of water quality in the Minnesota River Basin? (00:58)
Is Minnesota River Basin water quality improving? (01:17)
Is there a difference in water quality among the tributaries of the Minnesota River Basin? (02:03)
What is the significance of the water quality in the Greater Blue Earth River? (01:38)
Do any water quality monitoring results in the Minnesota River Basin stand out? (01:58)
Have you noticed a difference since monitoring water quality in the Minnesota River Basin? (01:18)
Pat Baskfield – Hydrologist, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency