What types of crops are grown in the Minnesota River Basin? (02:47 minutes)
What are the greatest farming challenges in the Minnesota River Basin? (03:01)
What are the benefits of conservation tillage? (04:04)
What are the benefits of conservation practices? (03:08)
How is nutrient management handled in the Minnesota River Basin? (03:00)
What is the size of a typical farm operation in the Minnesota River Basin? (01:30)
What are the major costs for farming in the Minnesota River Basin? (06:19)
What is a typical farming cycle? (03:39)
What is the story of corn in the Minnesota River Basin? (02:50)
How has corn yield changed in the Minnesota River Basin? (03:10)
What are the greatest farming rewards in the Minnesota River Basin? (02:04)
David Bergeson – Farmer, Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota
Carmen Fernholz – Farmer, Madison, Minnesota
Tom Kalahar – Renville Soil and Water Conservation District
Bruce Tiffany, Farmer (Redwood Falls, Minnesota)