Arc attribute table:   road30.aat

FNODE# 4 5 B - Internal number from node.
TNODE# 4 5 B - Internal number to node.
LPOLY# 4 5 B - Internal number left polygon.
RPOLY# 4 5 B - Internal number right polygon.
LENGTH 8 18 F 5 Length of arc in meters.
ROAD30# 4 5 B - Internal sequence number.
ROAD30-ID 4 5 B - User ID
ROAD-TYPE 24 24 C - Type of road:
Interstate Highway
U.S. Highway
Minnesota State Highway
County State-aid Highway
County Road
Township Road
City Street
ROAD-NAME 8 8 C - Road name:
Interstate Highway;   i.e. I35, I90.
U.S. Highway;   i.e. US14, US169.
Minnesota State Highway;   i.e. MN30, MN60.
County State-aid Highway;   usually numeric.
County Road;   blank filed.
Township Road;   Blank field.
City Street;   blank field.
COUNTY 8 8 C - County name.
       The ROAD-NAME along with the COUNTY, uniquely identifies each County State-aid Highway.   This is a blank field for all other road types.
MILES 6 6 N 2 Length in miles of each arc segment.
MAJOR2 2 2 I - Minnesota unique two digit major watershed ID number.
MAJOR-NAME 50 50 C - Major watershed name.
PEDIGREE 12 12 C - Acronym that identifies the organization responsible for line features and attributes.
MDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation.
MSUWRC Minnesota State University, Mankato
Water Resources Center.
PEDYEAR 4 4 I - Year in which the line feature was created or last updated.
VERSION 4 4 I - State of Minnesota Basemap version '98.