Ground Water Site Inventory (GWIS)
Data Summary |
GWIS is one of the three databases included in the USGS’s National Water Inventory System (NWIS). Data in the GWIS include historic well information, project related well information, CWI information from 1993-1995 and information concerning wells drilled by the USGS in the state of Minnesota. Data can be retrieved by basin, major watershed, county, latitude/longitude, or USGS unique ID#.
Data Description |
Format (s): Electronic Database
GIS ArcView
Period of Record: 1900- present
Extent: statewide
Retrieval: by Lat/Long, TRS or USGS unique ID#
Contact Information |
Agency: US Geological Survey (USGS)
Name: Tim Cowdery
Phone: 612-783-3273
Last update 5/99 |