Wild about Wildlife

Saturday, January 18, 2014
1:00 p.m.

Join the Minneopa Area Naturalist Scott Kudelka for an interpretive program on Minnesota wildlife at the Elk’s Nature Center in Mankato’s Rasmussen Park on January 18, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.


What is the one candid who climbs trees?  Who can swim underwater for 100 feet without taking a breath?  How does a river otter stay warm in the winter?  These questions and many more will be answered in the Wild about Wildlife program.


Each mammal has adapted to survive in their natural environment and we will look at some of the more interesting characteristics of 14 different mammals including the badger, coyote and skunk. 


We will use the furs of the 14 different mammals to show how each one is unique in their own way.  There will be a number of hands-on activities including “Guess the Critter.”


This program is free to the public through the Minnesota’s Clean, Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.  The 2008 Legacy Amendment protects the natural resources, preserves arts and cultural heritage, supports parks and trails and restores lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater.

Scott Kudelka
Elk's Nature Center
555 Stoltzman Road Rasmussen Park
56001 Mankato , MN ,
Event type: 
Nature Presentation