Documentary Film Series- Brother Towns

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Nicollet County Historical Society teams with Community and Family Education for our fourth-annual documentary film series. These award-winning films will be shown at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at the Treaty Site History Center. The films are free with no registration required.


Brother Towns May 2, 2013, 7 PM 58 min.


Brother Towns is a story of two towns linked by immigration, family, and work: Jacaltenango, a highland Maya town in Guatemala; and Jupiter, a coastal resort town where many Jacaltecos have settled in Florida. Brother Towns chronicles a story of how and why people migrate across borders, how people make and remake their communities when they travel thousands of miles from home, and how people maintain families despite their travel. Because we are all immigrants, this is a universal human story, and a quintessential American one. All of us understand family.

Treaty Site History Center
1851 N. Minnesota Avenue
56082 St. Peter , MN ,
Event type: 
film showing