Bird Banning

Saturday, May 18, 2013
7:00 a.m. to 12 noon

The public is welcome to watch and ask questions at the annual bird banding event from 7:00 a.m. to 12 noon on May 18th at the group camp area.  Spring migration should be in full force and this will give people an up-close of some of the birds that make Minneopa their home.

Merrill Frydendall of the Friends of Minneopa State Park will be leading the bird banding event.  Dr. Frydendall is a retired biology professor from Minnesota State University, Mankato and has been maintaining and documenting 50 blue bird houses at the park for over 30 years.

The Friends of Minneopa is a nonprofit, volunteer organization of citizens that strive to preserve, manage and promote the resources of this state park.  For more information on this group,

Scott Kudelka
Minneopa State Park 56001 Mankato , MN ,
Event type: 
Nature Presentation