There are at least 18 species of trees and 17 species of woodland wild flowers that can be found in Seven Mile Creek Park. There are also a handful of shrubs and herbs that can be seen in the park such as gooseberry and mint.

The tree collection in Seven Mile Creek Park is mostly deciduous. There is a mixture of hardwoods, such as red oak and ironwood, and softwoods, such as sugar maple and poplar. The diversity of tree species and fruits from these trees creates excellent habitat for birds. Seven Mile Creek Park is renown for its bird watching.

The park is a beautiful place to walk in the spring and look at all the wild flowers in bloom. With 17 species of flowers known to be in the park, there is a wide variety of size and color. There are gorgeous flowers such as violets and spring beauties to lesser aesthetically pleasing species like the dandelion.

Herbs such as wild ginger, mint, jack-in-the pulpit, adders tongue, and blue cohosh can be found as well. Shrubs ranging from gooseberry, wild strawberry, currants, and leatherwood are located in the park also.

Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
Wild Ginger
Asarum canadense
Wild Blue Phlox
Phlox divaricata
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