Largest Wetland Losses Between
1955 and 1961


By 1955:
  • Approximately 4,095 wetland acres remained;
  • Networks of drainage channels had been dug by hand and mechanical means to create an outlet to Seven Mile Creek;
  • All drainage networks in the watershed were connected;
  • Upper tributaries are straightened and widened and soon after County Ditch 13 and 24 are constructed;
  • Goose Lake was half of its original size; and
  • An outlet to Oak Leaf Lake was created.

See Fox Lake in 1955, shown at left. (Scroll over map for location).

Between 1955 and 1961, 2,000 acres of wetland were lost; this accounts for an 50 percent change in just six years. Next

Overview |1854|1917|1938|1950|1955|1961|1968|1978|1985|1990|2002|2003|Conclusion
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