Nitrogen (N) is one of the most widely distributed elements in nature and is present virtually everywhere on the earth’s crust in one or more of its many chemical forms. Nitrate (NO3), a mobile form of N, is commonly found in ground and surface waters throughout the country. Nitrate is generally the dominant form of N where total N levels are elevated. Nitrate and other forms of N in water can be from natural sources, but when N concentrations are elevated, the sources are typically associated with human activities (Dubrovski et al., 2010). Concerns about nitrate and total N in Minnesota’s water resources have been increasing due to effects of nitrate on certain aquatic life and drinking water supplies, along with increasing N in the Mississippi River and its impact on Gulf of Mexico oxygen depletion.
Where does nitrate come from?
Source: Nitrogen in Minnesota Surface Waters (2013)
How does nitrate move from cropland into our water?
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Tile drainage pathway |
Where does the nitrate go?
Nitrate loads leaving Minnesota via the Mississippi River contribute to the oxygen-depleted “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico (currently estimated to be the size of Massachusetts). The dead zone cannot support aquatic life, affecting commercial and recreational fishing and the overall health of the Gulf.
How do we reduce the nitrate going into surface waters?
Tactics for reducing cropland nitrate going into surface waters fall into three categories:
Nitrate fertilizer efficiency has improved during the past two decades. While further refinements in fertilizer rates and application timing can be expected to reduce nitrate loads by roughly 13% statewide, additional and more costly practices will also be needed to make further reductions and meet downstream needs. Statewide reductions of more than 30% are not realistic with current practices.
To see progress, nitrate leaching reductions are needed across large parts of southern Minnesota, particularly on tile-drained fields and row crops over thin or sandy soils. Only collective incremental changes by many over broad acreages will result in significant nitrogen reductions to downstream waters.
Nitrogen is considered a limiting nutrient in the Gulf of Mexico, the body of water where much of Minnesota’s river and stream waters ultimately discharge. When nutrients in the Mississippi River originating in 31 states reach the Gulf of Mexico, a low oxygen “dead zone” known as hypoxia develops.
Hypoxia, which means low oxygen, occurs when excess nutrients, primarily N and P, stimulate algal growth in the Mississippi River and gulf waters. The algae and associated zooplankton grow well beyond the natural capacity of predators or consumers to maintain the plankton at a more balanced level. As the short-lived plankton die and sink to deeper waters, bacteria decompose the phytoplankton carbon, consuming considerable oxygen in the process. Water oxygen levels plummet, forcing mobile creatures like fish, shrimp, and crab to move out of the area. Less mobile aquatic life become stressed and/or dies.
The freshwater Mississippi River is less dense and warmer compared to the more dense cooler saline waters of the gulf. This results in a stratification of the incoming river waters and the existing gulf waters, preventing the mixing of the oxygen-rich surface water with oxygen-poor water on the bottom. Without mixing, oxygen in the bottom water is limited and the hypoxic zone remains. Hypoxia can persist for several months until there is strong mixing of the ocean waters, which can come from a hurricane or cold fronts in the fall and winter.
Hypoxic waters have dissolved oxygen concentrations of less than about 2-3 mg/l. Fish and shrimp species normally present on the ocean floor are not found when dissolved oxygen levels reduce to less than 2 mg/l. The Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone is the largest in the United States and the second largest in the world. The maximum areal extent of this hypoxic zone was measured at 8,500 square miles during the summer of 2002. The average size of the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico in recent years (between 2004 and 2008) has been about 6,500 square miles, the size of Lake Ontario.
Minnesota Nitrogen Study
The MPCA conducted a study of nitrogen in surface waters so that we can better understand the nitrogen conditions in Minnesota’s surface waters, along with the sources, pathways, trends and potential ways to reduce nitrogen in waters.
Phosphorus is the nutrient primarily responsible for the eutrophication (nutrient enrichment of waterbodies) of Minnesota’s surface waters. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plants, animals and humans. It is one of the 20 most abundant elements in the solar system, and the 11th most abundant in the earth’s crust. Under natural conditions phosphorus (P) is typically scarce in water. Human activities, however, have resulted in excessive loading of phosphorus into many freshwater systems. This can cause water pollution by promoting excessive algae growth, particularly in lakes. Lakes that appear relatively clear in spring can resemble green soup in late summer due to algae blooms fueled by phosphorus. Water quality can be further impaired when bacteria consume dead algae and use up dissolved oxygen,suffocating fish and other aquatic life.
An overabundance of phosphorus—specifically usable (bioavailable) phosphorus—results in excessive algal production in Minnesota waters. Phosphorus from point sources may be more bioavailable, impacting surface water quality more than a similar amount of nonpoint source phosphorus that enters the same surface water conditions. Total phosphorus levels of 100 or more ppb categorize lakes as highly eutrophic, with high nutrient and algae levels.
In some water bodies, the concentration of phosphorus is low enough to limit the growth of algae and/or aquatic plants. In this case, scientists say phosphorus is the limiting nutrient. For example, in water bodies having total phosphorus concentrations less than 10 parts per billion (1 ppb – equal to one drop in a railroad tank car), waters will be nutrient-poor and will not support large quantities of algae and aquatic plants.
Phosphorus contributions to Minnesota surface waters by point and nonpoint sources are known to vary, both geographically and over time, in response to annual variations in weather and climate. Nonpoint sources of phosphorus tend to comprise a larger fraction of the aggregate phosphorus load to Minnesota surface waters during relatively wet periods, while point sources become increasingly important during dry periods.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is currently developing new water quality standards for River Eutrophication and Total Suspended Solids. Visit the MPCA website for more information.
Minnesota Nutrient Reduction Strategy - MPCA
Phosphorus: Sources, Forms, Impacts on Water Quality - MPCA
New Water Quality Standards for River Eutrophication and Total Suspended Solids - MPCA
Watershed Contacts - MPCA
Local Government Units and Partner Agencies - BWSR
Watershed Contacts
Cary Hernandez, Pollution Control Specialist Senior
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