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The Metropolitan Council is a governmental body in the seven county area around Minneapolis and St. Paul charged with helping the area plan for the future, including water and watershed management.


Minnesota River Basin Data Center (MRBDC)
The MRBDC site serves as a clearing house for research and data collected within the Minnesota River Basin.


Minnesota River Watershed Alliance
The Minnesota River Watershed Alliance was convened in early 2005 to forge solutions, to mobilize grassroots action, and to speak as a single voice on ecological issues facing the Minnesota River.


Minnesota Sea Grant
provides people, tools, and technology to maintain and enhance coastal and aquatic economies and resources.


Minnesota Waters
Citizens Protecting and Impoving Our Lakes and Rivers - A confluence of the Minnesota Lakes Association and the Rivers Council of Minnesota.


The Mississippi Headwaters Board (MHB)
is mandated by the Minnesota Legislature to protect and preserve the natural, cultural, scenic, scientific, and recreational values of the Mississippi River's First 400 miles.


Natural Resources Conservation Services
The NRCS has programs available to help landowners offset the costs of water quality and erosion control best practices and help enhance long term profitability through social, economic, and environmental practies.


The North American Lake Management Society's mission is to forge partnerships among citizens, scientists, and professionals to foster the management and protection of lakes and reservoirs for today and tomorrow.


U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The USFWS works to protect, restore, and manage wildlife and habitat on public lands. Fish & Wildlife Service also works to efficiently achieve voluntary habitat restoration on private lands, through financial and technical assistance, for the benefit of Federal Trust Species through its Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program.


Water Resources Center (MSUM)
The mission of the MSUM at Minnesota State University Mankato is to: gather, interpret, and distribute data of environmental signigicance to help citizens enhance the quality of regional lakes, rives, wetlands, and groundwater.


Water Resources Center (U of M)
The WRC at the University of Minnesota works to improve and protect the quality and value of water resources by increasing knowledge and undrstanding through the intergration of interdisciplinary research, education, and public engagement.

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