
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Working Together: A Plan to Restore the Minnesota River (The Minnesota Citizens' Advisory Committee's Final Report to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Minnesota River Citizens' Advisory Committee Dec-1994 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Governor Carlson, Minnesota River Citizens' Advisory Committee, Minnesota River Water Quality
Analysis of the Minnesota River Valley Trail Minnesota State Planning Agency Dec-1972 Minnesota Resources Commission
Trail, Trail Characteristics, Recreation Proposals
Overall Plan of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District Lower Minnesota River Watershed District Aug-1973 Lower Minnesota Watershed District
Burnsville , MN ,
Lower Minnesota River Watershed District, Pollution, Hydrology, Groundwater
Yellow Medicine River Watershed: Recommendations for Streamflow and Habitat Protection Terry, Karen Apr-1998 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources- Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Fergus Falls , MN ,
Yellow Medicine River Watershed, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Stream Habitat Program, Watershed Profile
Le Sueur River Water Quality Segment Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality Apr-1974 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Water Quality Improvements, Oint Dischargers
Blue Earth River Water Quality Segment Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Division of Water Quality Apr-1974 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
St. Paul , MN ,
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Point-Source Discharges, Water Quality
The Minnesota River Valley Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Committee Apr-1965 Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission
St. Paul , MN ,
Legislative Proposals, Minnesota River Valley, Natural and Recreational Resources
Minnesota River Valley Ravine Stabilization Charrette Emmons and Oliver Resources, Inc. 2011 MN River Board
Hawk Creek cleaning is making an impact Cherveny, Tom 2011 West Central Tribune
MPCA has come a long way since 1967 beginnings White, John G 2011 Advocate Tribune
MPCA, Pollution, Cleanup
Commissioners Consider Septic System Loans Busch, Fritz 2011 The Journal
River guardian Holtz, Kristin 2011 Chaska Herald
Chaska , MN ,
Minnesota DNR, Lower Minnesota River Watershed District, Eagle Creek
Commissioners OK Septic system loans Busch, Fritz 2011 The Journal
CRWP, LSP test new strategy Swenson, Judy 2010 Montevideo American-News
Montevideo, MN, CRWP, MPCA
Sediment Source Apportionment to the Lake Pepin TMDL-Source Characterization Jennings , CE 2010 Minnesota Geological Survey
Evaluation of Potamogeton pectinatus as a tool for phosphorus removal Ribikawskis, Matthew J 2010 MNSU Department of Biological Sciences
Mankato , MN ,
Sago Pondweed, Lake Crystal, Phosphorus
Minnesota River's sediment load growing Cherveny, Tom 2010 West Central Tribune
Gupta tries to clean up river sediment issue Willette, Janet Kubat 2010 AgrinNews
River Sediment, River Modifications, Lake Pepin
Trending toward the positive in the Minnesota River Basin Tedrick, Scott 2010 Advocate Tribune
Long-term evaluations of northern pike experimental regulations in Minnesota lakes Pierce, Rodney B 2010 MDNR
Northern Pike, Abundance of Northern Pike, Yellow Perch
