Table 1.BU. Blue Earth River Monitoring Station Information |
Offerman, Heather |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Blue Earth River Monitoring, Water Quality, Monitoring Station Report |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Episodes of Elevated Methylmercury Concentrations in Prairie Streams |
Balogh, Steven J |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Land Use and Resource Management | |
Proposal to Develop an Advanced Water-Quality Model fo the Minnesota River, Jordan to the mouth, and Counduct River Monitoring and Studies to Support the Model |
Larson, Catherine E |
2004 |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Lower Minnesota River, Water Quality, River Monitoring |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Metropolitan council environmental services 2002 Stream Monitoring Report |
Metropolitan Council |
2002 |
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services |
Stream Monitoring, Storm Water Runoff, Non-Point Source Pollutants | |
Interim Strategy to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution to the Minnesota River |
Frost, Jack |
1992 |
Metropolitan Council |
Nonpoint Pollution Sources, Board of Soil and Water Resources, Urban Development |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Strategies for Documenting Progress in Reaching the Nonpoint Source Reduction Goal for the Minnesota River |
Hamilton, JD |
1992 |
Metropolitan Council |
A Lower Minnesota River Valley Cultural Resource Study and Interpretive Plan for the Minnesota Valley State Park and Trail |
Roberts, Dr. Norene |
1993 |
MDNR-Parks and Recreation Divistion |
Historic Sites, Archaeological Sites, Minnesota Valley Trail |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Wetland Drainage in the Hawk Creek Pilot Watershed, Minnesota |
Choate, Jerry S |
1971 |
MDNR-Division of Game and Fish, Technical Service Section |
Flooding, Hawk Creek Pilot Watershed, Aerial Photographs |
Cloudy-Sky Waters |
Minnesota State and federal wild and scenic rivers program ordinance adoption status report |
1986 |
MDNR, Wild and Scenic Rivers Program |
mnpals |
A gathering of waters: a guid to Minnesota's rivers |
Bereining, Greg |
1977 |
MDNR, Division of Parks and Recreation Rivers Section |
mnpals |
A Guide to buying and selling property along wild and scenic rivers the Cannon River: Faribault to the Mississippi River |
Harper, Jane |
1980 |
MDNR Rivers Section |
mnpals |
Could BT-Engineered Pest Resistant Trees be Hazardous to Aquatic Invertebrates |
Close, Tracy L |
2005 |
Invertebrates, Pesticide, Toxicity |
Evaluation of Winter Lake Aeration techniques in Minnesota |
Davis, Robert |
1986 |
Lake Aeration, Surface Bubbler, Oxygen Concentration |
An Ecological Classification of Minnesota Lakes with Associated Fish Communiteis |
Schupp, Dennis H |
1992 |
Fish Community, Lake Types, CPUE |
An Indexed Bibliography of Creel Surveys, Fishing License Sales, and Recreational Surface Use of Lakes and Rivers of Minnesota |
Cook, Mark F |
1997 |
Creel Survey, Fishing License, Recreational Surface Use |
Expulsion of Miniature Radio Transmitters Along with eggs of Northern Pike and Muskellunge- A new Method for locating critical spawning habitat |
Pierce, Rodney B |
2005 |
Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Critical Spawning Habitat |
Length at age estimates of black crappie and white crappie among lake classes, reservoirs, impoundments, and rivers in Minnesota |
McInerny, Micahel C |
2008 |
mnpals |
Shoreline Seining for Young-of-the-Year Largemouth Bass as a Method of Predicting Recruitment to the Anglers Catch |
Newburg, Huon |
1986 |
Seining, Largemouth Bass, Anglers |
Performance Evaluation of Four Muskellunge Escox Masquinony Strains in Two Minnesota Lakes |
Younk, Jerry A |
1992 |
Muskellunge, Shoepack Strain, Mortality Rate |
Thermal Marking of Lake Trout Otoliths, and Evaluation of Mehtods for Stocking Fry |
Negus , Mary T |
1997 |
Thermal Marking, Lake Trout Otoliths, Lake Trout |