
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort descending Publisher Location Keywords Source
Evaluation of an ELISA Method for Acetochlor Analysis in the Le Sueur River Watershed VanRyswyk, Bill 2009 MDA
St. Paul , MN ,
ELISA Method, Le Sueur River Watershed, Acetochlor Analysis
Snelling State Park Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Roundup Wikipedia 2009
Malformed Frogs in Minnesota U.S. Geological Survey website 2009
Are Stream's Clarity Getting Better Over Time? A Statistical and Graphical Analysis of Minnesota Streams and Minnesota River Basins Le, Laura 2009 University of Minnesota Thesis
Minnesota River- Wild and Scenic River Program Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Northern Leopard Frog Website Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2009
Graduate students help DNR keep track of frogs by Cross, John 2009 Mankato Free Press
Mankato , MN ,
Male Frogs Losing Their Macho Wong, Kathleen 2009 Science Matters
Berkeley ,
Rual Atlas Online Center for Rual Policy and Development 2009
Acetochlor Surface Water Quality Impairments Minnesota Department of Agriulture 2009
Modeling upland vs. channel sources of sediment in the Le Sueur River Watershed, Minnesota Folle, S. 2009 SWAT Conference
Boulder , CO ,
State of the Minnesota River: Water Quality Summary 2000-2008 Minnesota State University, Mankato, Water Resouces Center & Minnesota Pollution Control Agency & Partners 2009 Minnesota State University, Mankato, Water Resources Center
Too often, a losing battle: Geological forces are stacked against the Red River Valley Dawson, Jim 2009 MinnPost
Geological Forces, Red River Valley, Sandbags
Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR Website US Fish and Wildlife Service 2009
Henderson on the Minnesota City of Henderson 2009
Henderson , MN ,
Report: Identifying Sediment Sources in the Minnesota River Basin MPCA 2009 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Sediment Sources, Erosion
Hawk Creek's secrets revealed Cherveny, Tom 2009 West Central Tribune
Geomorphic evolution of the Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA, and implications for current sediment loading Gran, K.B 2009 Geological Soceity of America
Study: Ethanol production more efficient in Minnesota Shine, Conor 2009 Minnesota Daily
