Minnesota River Assessment Project Summary |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
1994 |
Crop Residue Management |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Ambient Toxicity Assessments in the Minnesota River Basin |
C. Arthur, J.W. |
1993 |
Mankato flood, 1969 |
1969 |
mnpals |
Wastewater Treatment Needs in Unsewwered Areas: A Report to the Legislature |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
1993 |
Half-time Highlights: Minnesota at Half Decade |
Minnesota State Demographic Center |
2006 |
mrbtr |
America's Most Endangered Rivers- 2008 Edition |
American Rivers |
2008 |
mrbtr |
Rual Atlas Online |
Center for Rual Policy and Development |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force: Success Stories |
2008 |
mrbtr |
Assessment of Impact of Organic Pollutants on Fish in the Minnesota River Watershed by Hepatic Aminopyrine N-Demthylase Activity |
Mercurio, S.D |
1994 |
Population Change by County between Censuses |
US Census Bureau |
2000 |
mrbtr |
Project River Bend, Six County River Management Plan |
1982 |
Shallow Lakes of Southern Minnesota: Status and trend summary for selected lakes |
2003 |
mrbtr |
North American Reporting Center for Amphibian Malformations webstie |
National Biological Information Infrastructure |
2009 |
mrbtr |
Census of Agriculture: Minnesota state and county data |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
2007 |
mrbtr |
Introduction: Managing Rivers with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts |
James, L. Allan |
http://people.cas.sc.edu/ajames/Research/Pubs/08_James_Intro_GSA%20SpPpr_SPE451-… |
Minnesota River phosphorus cleanup |
Minnesota Public Radio |
2006 |
mrbtr |
Henderson : Then and Now; 185201994 |
mrbtr |
Analysis of Benthis Macroinvertebrate Communitites in the Minnesota River Watershed |
Zischke, J.A. |
1993 |
Groundwater and Your Health website |
Minnesota Department of Health |
2009 |
mrbtr |