
Advanced Search: The Minnesota Water Research Digital Library is a searchable inventory of water research in, near or relevant to Minnesota, with an emphasis on publications from 2000 forward.

Title Author Publication Datesort ascending Publisher Location Keywords Source
The timing of regional Late-glacial events and post-glacial sedimentation rates from Lake Superior Brckenridge, A 2004 Quaternary Science Review
Proposal to Develop an Advanced Water-Quality Model fo the Minnesota River, Jordan to the mouth, and Counduct River Monitoring and Studies to Support the Model Larson, Catherine E 2004 Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
St. Paul , MN ,
Lower Minnesota River, Water Quality, River Monitoring
2004 Final TMDL List of Impaired Waters Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2004
Field Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of Minnesota Sietman, Bernard 2003 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
2002 Final TMDL List of Impaired Waters Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 2003
Influence of local riparian cover and watershed runoff potential on invertebrate communities in agricultural streams in the Minnesota River Basin ZumBerge, Jeremy R. 2003 US Dept of Interior, US Geological Survey
Mounds View , MN ,
An examination of Minnesotas muskellunge waters Younk, Jerry A 2003 MDNR
Muskellunge, Spring Trap Assessment, Angler Diary Surveys
Computer model a useful tool in water quality research MPCA 2003 MPCA
St. Paul , MN ,
Water Quality, Computer, Model
Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River basin study unit, Minnesota and Wisconsin : nutrients, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, and suspended sediment in streams, 1996-98 Kroening, Sharon E 2003 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
gully erosion and environmental change: Implications and research needs Poesen , J 2003 Catena
Effects of prohibiting harvest of largemouth bass on the largemouth bass and bluegill fisheries in two Minnesota lakes Shroyer, Steven M 2003 MDNR
Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Harvest Prohibiting
Conservation reserve program Fact Sheet Farm Service Agency 2003 USDA-FSA
Washington , DC ,
Shallow Lakes of Southern Minnesota: Status and trend summary for selected lakes MPCA 2003
Minnesota River Timeline Water Resources Center, Minnesota State University Mankato 2003
Relation of periphyton and benthic invertebrate communities to environmental factors and land use at selected sites in part of the upper Mississippi River basin, 1996-98 ZumBerge, Jeremy R. 2003 Dept of Interior, USGS
Mounds View , MN ,
State of Lakes: Minnesota is known as the State of 10,000 Lakes and the Land of Sky-Blue Waters. But who's looking after our trademark waters? MDNR 2003
The urban environmnet: Minneapolis-St. Paul indicators Environmental Protection Agency 2003
Increased baseflow in Iowa over the second half of the 20th Century Schilling, K.E. 2003 J. Am. Water Resources Association
Minnesota River Timeline Water Resources Center, Minnesota State University Mankato 2003
Evaluation of walleye spawning habitat improvement projects in streams Dustin, Donna L 2003 MDNR
Walleye, Spawning, Habitat Improvement
